April 28, 2009
Tonight I'm wearing the black dress to Dancing with the stars. For the ellen show I think I might wear a navy blue wrap top. The only concern is the producer says it is cold in the studio and I'm afraid I might freeze. (I'm so cold now I can't type the right letters)
April 27, 2009
April 24, 2009
dress which one!
Which dress should I wear to Dancing with the stars on Tuesday night? The dress code is upscale formal wear. Thanks for all your help.

Cream and black satin dress - not sure if it is dress enough but I would wear black onyx necklace and black crystal Chandler earrings.
Please help my mom chose a dress I can't pick one and have seen to many of her dresses.
Black dress with netting overlay in squares layered all the way down-what I'm leaning towards
Emerald green silk dress-to much like a wedding dress? but I would stand out.
Black jersey halter dress floor length-afraid it will look like a sun dress
April 21, 2009
Louis update

Just a quick louis up date. I guess the sophia purse(april 2 post) I wanted is only carried in 7 stores around the world. Brussels is not one of them. Anne and Erin so nicely picked me up the large toilette bag pictured above.
The good news is the Joe and maybe me are going to Paris June so I can try and pick it up there. Along with a bunch of goodies (princess tam tam bras, lotions and potions etc.)
Kate do you want to come here and watch foxy???
April 20, 2009
Art buys
April 15, 2009
I know you are getting tired of me taking about my workouts. I just ordered the dvd from Tracy Anderson. (madonna's trainer) What out muscles you are going to get a good work out!
Here is her web site - she also has a studio in Studio City- I wish I would have know that sooner i would have joined it.
April 14, 2009
Saturday I went to a upper body class at the club. Easter morning I could not lift my arms at all. I was so sore. (madonna's arms after that class are not looking that good to me)
There was a guy in there chatting about his script reading the other day, I didn't recognized him from any thing but he was sounding important chatting to his friend.
Also the other day in a different class a nice lady said "you might be to curvy" I have never been called curvy in my life. I was trying to balance sideways on a bosu ball.
April 13, 2009
bling bling
I was looking on facebook and came across this person. I think I might need one of these necklaces don't you.
April 7, 2009
April 6, 2009
wrap up
April 4, 2009
I don't think there even was a question in my mind who dresses better. Carla Bruni for me wins by a 100 miles. She is so classy, elegant and always look amazing.
I don't understand the hype around Michelle's clothes - I'm sorry I don't want a first lady wearing J. Crew I want here dressed to the nine's with clothes that look good on her. (notice I said looks good on her) Not to mention the J. Crew outfit she had on in Europe was really expensive not everyday people clothes like everyone is saying she is wearing. (the sweater was $300 alone how many people do you know that spend 300 dollars on a sweater?) I don't care we are in a recession/depression you should always dress the part you are the first lady and while your at it decorate the white house.
My crazy opinions according to my husband is why he loves me...don't even get me started on how the AIG people deserved the bonus.

I don't understand the hype around Michelle's clothes - I'm sorry I don't want a first lady wearing J. Crew I want here dressed to the nine's with clothes that look good on her. (notice I said looks good on her) Not to mention the J. Crew outfit she had on in Europe was really expensive not everyday people clothes like everyone is saying she is wearing. (the sweater was $300 alone how many people do you know that spend 300 dollars on a sweater?) I don't care we are in a recession/depression you should always dress the part you are the first lady and while your at it decorate the white house.
My crazy opinions according to my husband is why he loves me...don't even get me started on how the AIG people deserved the bonus.

From getty images

All Fashion don't for me execpt the last one.
April 3, 2009
Thursday I got my first bikini wax of the season. It is always weird finding someone to wax you. Since I have moved back to the US I have to stay more on top of shaving my legs and arms. I have to say I didn't do to much of that in Brussels. Now with working out and summer coming I need to stay on top of it.
April 2, 2009
Sorry girls I didn't realize I had comments on some posts. I have now changed the email address so I get notified when I have one.
La Sac

the purse I would like
My friend Anne is going to Brussels next week and I want her to pick up a purse for me. (still not sure if I get to go to Paris in June) The problem is that the Sophia Copala line is on the web site to show it but not to buy it yet and I don't know how much the bag is that I want. In singapore dollars it is roughly 2200 which translates to 1200 usd. However the purses are cheaper in europe. (but in brussels compared to Paris add about 20 euros on to Paris price)
So to get to my point is that I don't have that many euros and not sure If i want to spent that much...there is the large toiletry bag that is more in my range and would be practical and I might just do that.
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