April 2, 2009

La Sac

the purse I would like 

Bonjour - so I have a bunch of euros left over from brussels.  Really I was planning on spending then before I left on a Louis vuitton however I waited to long and it was sold.  then I thought I would get an Hermes scarf at the airport - and many of you know the whole problem at the airport and Joe and I ended up flying on differnt flights home and no spare time to shop.  

My friend Anne is going to Brussels next week and I want her to pick up a purse for me.  (still not sure if I get to go to Paris in June)  The problem is that the Sophia Copala line is on the web site to show it but not to buy it yet and I don't know how much the bag is that I want.  In singapore dollars it is roughly 2200 which translates to 1200 usd.  However the purses are cheaper in europe.  (but in brussels compared to Paris add about 20 euros on to Paris price)

So to get to my point is that I don't have that many euros and not sure If i want to spent that much...there is the large toiletry bag that is more in my range and would be practical and I might just do that. 


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